Hard hurdle rate与Soft hurdle rate,是在CFA一级另类投资中,多数考生经常容易混淆的一对概念。考纲的要求为,需要清楚地知道它们是如何计提激励费的,并且要求会计算。
维基百科中对hurdle rate的解释是,基金管理人(GP)取得业绩提成之前,必须达到的最低的收益率。(Hurdle rate:A minimum rate of return(e.g.,8-12%),which must be achieved before the fund manager can receive anycarried interest payments.)一个可能引起我们思考的问题是:在达到或超过约定的最低收益率时,GP是仅对超出门槛收益率的超额部分按约定的比例计提业绩提成,还是对全部的盈利分配业绩提成?
如果仅对超出门槛收益率的超额部分按约定的比例计提业绩提成,则为hard hurdle rate。如果对全部的盈利分配业绩提成,则为soft hurdle rate。在考题中,考生应当注意看清题目表述,采用是哪种方式分配业绩提成。如果没有特殊说明,一般都为hard hurdle rate的情况。
举一个简化的例子,不考虑管理费,期初100W;第一年后管理资产的价值为110W(收益10%);如果是soft hurdle rate=8%,就先作比较,10%大于8%,OK,可以提激励费了,对110-100,这部分收取激励费。如果是hard hurdle rate=8%(收益超过8%的部分才提),只针对110-108(110-100-100*8%)这部分提激励费。
1.A British hedge fund has avalue of£100 million at the beginning of the year.The fund charges a 2%management fee based on assets under management at the end of the year and a20%incentive fee with a soft hurdle rate of LIBOR+2.5%.Incentive fees arecalculated net of management fees.If the relevant LIBOR rate is 2.5%and thefund’s value at the end of the year before fees is£120 million,the net returnto investors is closest to:
Management fee=£120.0×2.0%=£2.4 million.
Gross value at end of year(given)=£120.0 million.
Gross return=(£120.0/£100.0)−1=20.0%.The softhurdle rate of 2.5%+2.5%=5.0%was exceeded.
Incentive fee=(£120.0−£100.0−£2.4)×20%=£3.52million.
Total fee=£2.40+£3.52=£5.92 million.
Net of fee:£120.00−£5.92=£114.08 million.
Net return=(£114.08/£100.00)−1=14.1%.
这道题目需要提醒考生注意的是,管理费是基于资产年末的价值。门槛回报率为soft hurdle rate。我们计算一个gross return(费前的收益率),如果超过了soft hurdle rate就计提激励费。此题中,20%大于5%,需要计量激励费,而且激励费为扣除管理费之后的全部盈利。
2.A Canadian hedge fund has a value of C$100 million at thebeginning of the year.The fund charges a 2%management fee based on assetsunder management at the beginning of the year and a 20%incentive fee with a10%hard hurdle rate.Incentive fees are calculated net of management fees.Thevalue at the end of the year before fees is C$112 million.The net return toinvestors is closest to:
Management Fee:C$100.0×2.0%=C$2.0 million
Gross value at end of year(given)=C$112.0 million
Incentive fee=[(C$112.0−C$100.0−C$2.0−(C$100.0×10.0%)]×20%=C$0
Total fee=C$2.0 million
Net of fee:C$112.0−C$2.0=C$110.0 million
Net return=(C$110.0/C$100.0)−1=10.0%
这道题目需要提醒考生注意的是,管理费是基于资产期初的价值。门槛回报率为hard hurdle rate。激励费=期末价值-期初价值-管理费-期初价值*hard hurdle rate。
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